The Visa Championships!

U.S. Gymnastics are in town and we're celebrating by
Extending our
3-course $20.10 Menu
thru Saturday, August 14th!

(Click on Menu for details)

We are also participating in the
2010 Taste of the Visa Championships
Restaurant Recipe Competition

with nine of our fellow Hartford restaurants. Each restaurant will create a special, healthy entrĂ©e that will be featured during Visa Championships week. The goal is to produce a tasty, but nutritionally sound meal that will dazzle a panel of judges led by legendary gymnastics coach Bela Karolyi. The judges will critique the entrees on taste, presentation, nutritional value, creativity and “gymnastics tie-in,” which means name, presentation, etc.
Our judging will take place on
Friday, August 13th at 3pm at Carbone's
Coach Karolyi will be there and we would love you to come on down and root for Carbone's and our
"Pasta Gymnastica"!
For more info on the Visa Champions and the
Recipe Competition, visit:

And tune into WFSB Channel 3 Morning News on Saturday, August 14th between 8am - 9am and see
Vinnie Carbone cooking with Coach Karolyi!


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