Carbone's Grilled Pizza...

Best of the U.S.!!
Popular Plates: Pizza Magazine

has named Carbone's Grilled Pizza as one of the
best pizzas in the North East:

"The two kinds of pizza to know about are a fabulously luxurious duet of grilled figs and prosciutto, and the Margherita, which differs from the original because it is topped not with a few skimpy pieces of basil but with a verdant green pesto, rich with garlic. As typical of Carbone's, many of the kitchen's best pizza are not listed on the menu. Any customer with a passion for pizza needs to inquire what kind of stone pies the chefs can prepare that day. Among the chef's more fantastic creations have been a shrimp curry pizza with cumin and a little mascarpone cheese "to smooth it out" and the most outrageous one of all: a pizza topped with foie gras warm enough to be on the verge of melting along with sweet marinated grilled peaches. Don't try asking Dominos to deliver one of those!

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