Taste of Hartford Mania!

We've been busy this week with The Taste of Hartford. More of you than ever have come into Carbone's to enjoy our $20.10 celebration! And no wonder - our own Executive Chef, Paul Rafala has been making the rounds to local television stations, doing what he does best,
cooking Carbone's incredible cuisine!

Paul with Scot Haney & Teresa LaBarbera on Better CT

Paul (far right) with fellow "Taste of Hartford" Chefs

See video of Paul's appearance on Better CT

And the winner of Maryellen Fillo's Taste of Hartford
Dinner for Four Give-Away at Carbone's is....
Glenn Stoloff of Glastonbury!
Congratulations Glenn, we look forward to meeting you!

If you haven't had YOUR chance yet to enjoy
The Taste of Hartford,

make your reservations now!


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