Shrimp & Butternut Risotto

Shrimp & Butternut Risotto
(4 orders)

What You Will Need:
1⁄2 cup extra virgin olive oil
8 oz. 18/20 size shrimp, peeled and de-veined
1 medium onion, diced
12 oz. Arborio rice*
16 oz. lobster stock**
4 oz. white wine (optional)
4 oz. mascarpone cheese
1⁄4 cup grated romano cheese
1 cup roasted butternut squash***
4 fresh basil leaves, chopped
2 to 3 cloves garlic, roasted
salt & pepper to taste

In a sauté pan heat half amount of olive oil. Add shrimp and
onions and sauté till about half done. Set aside. In a heavy
sauté pan heat remaining olive oil and add Arborio rice. Toss
rice in hot oil till well coated. Add 1⁄2 amount of lobster stock
and white wine and stir. Continue to cook rice in stock mixture,
adding more stock as you continue until rice is tender but
not mushy. Turn fire to low and add shrimp mixture, butter nut
squash and mascarpone cheese. Stir and continue to cook until
shrimp are cooked through. Remove from fire and stir in basil
and romano cheese.

* Arborio rice can be blanched ahead of time and used as
needed. Simply prepare the rice and the stock together as in
the recipe, but when the rice is al dente ( not cooked through)
spread flat on a sheet pan and cool. Use the blanched rice in
the recipe add the remaining stock.

** We prepare our roasted lobster stock in the traditional
way in the restaurant. You can substitute a good quality store
bought broth, or a reconstituted bouillon product. If you can’t
find lobster flavored stock you could substitute chicken broth.

*** It is best to prepare the butternut squash ahead of time.
Peel, seed and dice the butternut and place in a mixing bowl.
Sprinkle with olive oil salt and pepper. Toss together well and
place in a single layer on a baking sheet pan. Roast at 375 degrees
until squash is just beginning to soften, approx. 15 – 20
min. let cool. Prepared and cooled squash can be held for 1 or
2 days before preparing risotto dish.

Mangia bene! - Vinnie & Paul

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